ABB Mining Motors
Mines and cement production facilities are tough environments for electrical equipment. ABB motors are designed to withstand these harsh conditions. Challenges that have to be faced include dust and mineral particles, vibration, moisture, heat and temperature fluctuations.
ABB supplies a wide range of LV motors suitable for mining and cement industries. Cast iron motors are a perfect choice for the majority of applications and certified Ex d flameproof motors for group I applications where explosive gases may be present. These motors can be used in a broad range of applications, including conveyors, slurry and dewatering pumps, screens, ventilation fans, drill rigs, as well as crushers and mills.
Mining and cement production place very stringent demands on motors. These specialized motors must be built to withstand the harshest conditions imaginable. Further demands are placed on motors used in explosive environments, so-called Ex d motors.
Motor Types
ABB supplies the following types of air-cooled low-voltage induction motors for mining and cement applications:
Cast Iron Motors Output Power From 0.18k to 1000kW Frame Sizes From 71 to 450 Motor for Explosive Atmospheres Output Power From 0.18 to 710 kW Frame Sizes From 80 to 450